This report shows domestic currency balances from AA ledger broken by original transaction currency. If a portion of account balance in AA ledger is related to a foreign currency values from CA ledger are also shown.
The report will not show opening balances for P&L accounts as setup by GLG automatic accounting instructions. Also if an account has no values to show in the report (no opening balance, no transactions) it can be hidden in the printout if requested.
The output of the report is a CSV file that can be processed in MS Excel.
The solution is designed to allow editing of Tax Point Date in the Tax File and related Account Receivables and/or Payables records. Standard application does not allow these kind of changes hence the modification. To ensure data security a Change Log is created for every line in the Tax File that was modified. The previous value of the date is kept in the log file along with the name of the user who modified the record.
The mass tax point update program allows to perform batch changes in Tax File. This program also writes to the Change Log file. It uses UDC to setup rules behind the tax point date change.
The report is a clasic version of a Trial Balance report with four types of aggregations added. It can show all details of an account balance down to subledger by default. Aggregations include: category code, object and subsidiary account or business unit and category code or business unit, object account an sunsidiary account. The report may include any of the category codes for account master.
The output of the report is a CSV file that can be processed in MS Excel.
This program is used for bank account FIFO valuation. The product was developed based on JD Edwards end-user needs and should be considered as polish (and not only) best business practices. It allows to decrease time and cost associated to this manual, human prone errors activities usually done on side in MS Excel. Solution allows to:
Adjustment of PLN value of transactions in a monetary account by adding an applicable amount of exchange rate differences calculated using FIFO method.
Full flexibility of exchange rate differences calculation in cases where the balance character changes overtime from positive to negative (for overdrafts) by calculating the differences:
for money outflows only when the balance before transaction is positive and only to the balance amount
for money inflows only when the balance before transaction is negative and only to the balance amount
Ability to start calculation at any given time by averaging exchange rate for all transaction posted before a specified date in the past. The cut-off date is user definable.
Automatic creation of supporting journal entries in general ledger for amounts calculated.
Detailed transaction posting of amounts calculated by every detailed transaction that caused exchange rate differences.
Analysis of exchange rate differences amounts based on a detailed calculation report.
The purpose of the modification is to facilitate the process of accruals management. Accruals are a kind of costs a company incurs that have to be spread over a specific period of time. In other words the phrase refers to expenditures that relate to more than one fiscal period and hence an appropriate portion of the expenditure needs to be accounted for as a cost in more than one period. The new program allows the user to spread a transaction over predefined number of periods right after an initial document was posted.
The solution is supposed to fill a gap in the standard functionality of JD Edwards in this area.
Read moreIf an account has transaction with different currencies a remaining balance may be found in CA ledger. The balance in CA ledger may be faulty. In such cases the program will create technical journal entries to move the CA ledger balance to a different account without any impact on AA ledger balance.
Read moreThe solution is designed to allow editing of Tax Point Date in the Tax File and related Account Receivables and/or Payables records. Standard application does not allow these kind of changes hence the modification. To ensure data security a Change Log is created for every line in the Tax File that was modified. The previous value of the date is kept in the log file along with the name of the user who modified the record.
The mass tax point update program allows to perform batch changes in Tax File. This program also writes to the Change Log file. It uses UDC to setup rules behind the tax point date change.
Read moreThe report is a clasic version of a Trial Balance report with four types of aggregations added. It can show all details of an account balance down to subledger by default. Aggregations include: category code, object and subsidiary account or business unit and category code or business unit, object account an sunsidiary account. The report may include any of the category codes for account master.
The output of the report is a CSV file that can be processed in MS Excel.
Read moreA typical scenario at companies may create a gap between posting date period and a period that P&L transactions relate to. The reason for that is that sales invoices can be issued in advance. The same may apply to cost transactions. In such cases the income/cost entry has to be posted to a suspense account and reposted back to its original P&L account in the relate to period. If there is a gap to cover the P&L entry is marked with a subledger type of X and a subledger value that holds number of periods of displacement.
Read moreThe report is supposed to present accounts payable payments. Payment amounts have to be proportionally spread over accounts that the voucher being paid is posted to. It only applies to G/L distribution part of the voucher. Payable control account or the VAT tax account are considered by the program.
The program may be useful when analysing capex payments.
The output of the report is a CSV file that can be processed in MS Excel.
Read moreBatch cash receipts processing in JD Edwards has many limitation. Two of the are covered by this modification. The first is that standard JD Edwards will not match negative receipts against negative amounts in invoice lines. The other is that if a receipt is positive but the invoice to match has positive and negative lines JD Edwards will consider it overpayment.
The above scenarios may occur if the source for batch receipts is way outside JD Edwards.
Read moreThere are three new programs to process electronic payment orders for Elixir, Multicash and CitiBank. These programs are designed to replace standard payment write programs used in Payment Control Group Processing. All of the programs produce a text file that can be upload to a Home Banking solution.
Read moreThis program is used for bank account FIFO valuation. The product was developed based on JD Edwards end-user needs and should be considered as polish (and not only) best business practices. It allows to decrease time and cost associated to this manual, human prone errors activities usually done on side in MS Excel. Solution allows to:
Adjustment of PLN value of transactions in a monetary account by adding an applicable amount of exchange rate differences calculated using FIFO method.
Full flexibility of exchange rate differences calculation in cases where the balance character changes overtime from positive to negative (for overdrafts) by calculating the differences:
for money outflows only when the balance before transaction is positive and only to the balance amount
for money inflows only when the balance before transaction is negative and only to the balance amount
Ability to start calculation at any given time by averaging exchange rate for all transaction posted before a specified date in the past. The cut-off date is user definable.
Automatic creation of supporting journal entries in general ledger for amounts calculated.
Detailed transaction posting of amounts calculated by every detailed transaction that caused exchange rate differences.
Analysis of exchange rate differences amounts based on a detailed calculation report.
Read moreIf a company is supposed to produce reports both in their local and some convert to currency codes a recomputation has to done. The program works on a transaction level but it uses a single exchange rate for the whole month.
The program reads entries in AA ledger and converts them into functional ledger. The conversion is supposed to change value of the transactions into functional ledger denomination currency keeping the original transaction currency code. If a transaction is originally posted in the functional currency its value is not going to be computed from AA ledger amounts but it will be taken as it was originally written to CA ledger.
Read moreThere are business scenarios where sales invoices are issued and printed outside JD Edwards. The documents are imported into JD Edwards as simple Account Receivable documents using Z-File import. There is however a problem with Polish localization for JD Edwards. Sales VAT Registers will show no data if the print process is not performed within JD Edwards. To avoid problems with VAT Registers Legal Document Header file needs to be filled and this what the application in question does.
Read moreStandard functionality of JD Edwards does not cover fixed assets documents print. This is not even covered by Polish Localization for JD Edwards as printing documents for fixed assets is rather a common practice than legal requirement. Fixed asset documents cover:
The solution also covers an interactive application that can be used to browse and reprint fixed assets documents.
Read moreThe solution allows the user to submit reprint of multiple sales invoices in a single batch just as if he/she was selecting all related documents in Sales Invoice Reprint program for Polish Legal Requirements.
Read morePackage of polish invoices for JD Edwards enhancees standard JD Edwards localisation for Poland functionality. ORACLE delivers fully working invoice for Poland for JD Edwards, however polish clietns has many additional requirements regarding the invoice printouts. JDEx package delivers addition of polish best busines practicies to the standard solution. Set-up of standard JD Edwards localisation for Poland is required prior to instal JDEx product. Our product does not modify standard objects and does not replace standard one. It is based on 55-59 naming convention.
- Polish invoices for JD Edwards
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Package of polish invoices for JD Edwards enhancees standard JD Edwards localisation for Poland functionality. ORACLE delivers fully working invoice for Poland for JD Edwards, however polish clietns has many additional requirements regarding the invoice printouts. JDEx package delivers addition of polish best busines practicies to the standard solution. Set-up of standard JD Edwards localisation for Poland is required prior to instal JDEx product. Our product does not modify standard objects and does not replace standard one. It is based on 55-59 naming convention.
- Polish invoices for JD Edwards
Polish localisation pack for JD Edwards World was created by JDEx to allow end users to fulfill most of the statutory requirements in Poland. Programs and reports just make everyday life with AS/400 based version easier.
Polish localisation package for JD Edwards World
This report shows domestic currency balances from AA ledger broken by original transaction currency. If a portion of account balance in AA ledger is related to a foreign currency values from CA ledger are also shown.
The report will not show opening balances for P&L accounts as setup by GLG automatic accounting instructions. Also if an account has no values to show in the report (no opening balance, no transactions) it can be hidden in the printout if requested.
The output of the report is a CSV file that can be processed in MS Excel.
Read moreThe program is a second step after building functional ledger transactions. It is used to produce end of period balance sheet revaluation of functional ledger balances. Should any unrealized exchange rates differences be found they will be accounted for with journal entries in the functional ledger.
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